ExtIO_sddc.dll v1.01
It is a tentative version of ExtIO_sddc.dll that can operate with BBRF103, HF103, RX888 as the FX3 Arm code detects the hardware type used. The sources are at https://github.com/ik1xpv/ExtIO_sddc/releases a compiled dll is at https://drive.google.com... MD5 ef1579eeb47ee1fc4f3c8ec45520d81c extio_sddc_v1.01.dll Copy the dll in a directory with HDSDR.exe and libfftw3f-3.dll. Here a summary of changes. - First, there are a lot of new bugs... I'm sure :-) - The SDDC_FX3.img arm program detects the radio hardware. If there is not a programmable Si5351a the radio is a HF103 and operates only in HF else if there is a pull up (led blue) on GPIO54 of FX3 the radio is a BBRF103 else it is a RX888. -The control protocol in between FX3 and ExtIO_sddc.dll is redesigned and the programming of Si5351a and R820T2 is now made by the SDDC_FX3.img code. It obtains faster communication and simplifies the ExtIO a little bit. -The ExtIO_SDDC.dll dialog is minimalistic. Ar